CSEAS Newsfeed


CSEAS Poster

Irish Hospice Foundation – Bereavement in the Workplace: 16th July

July 2024
Email the CSEAS to register for “Bereavement in the Workplace” webinar with Amy Gibney on 16th July at 2pm.

Supporting employees who are bereaved is a key part of staff wellbeing. Grief in the Workplace provides support, training, resources and advice to employers and employees based on research and best practice. It serves to develop an understanding of grief and how it impacts us. This session will give insight into what grieving in the workplace looks like and how we can support ourselves and others when experiencing grief.

Self Care & Emotional Resilience: 17th July

July 2024
Register now to learn more about toxic stress and developing emotional resilience skills in this webinar “Self Care & Emotional Resilience” with Doctor & Best-Selling Author Harry Barry on 17th of July at 11am.

Menopause Café event 4th September

Due to popular demand this is a re-run of the Menopause Café event of 9th July

September 2024
Email the CSEAS to register for the next event in the series “Cognitive Health in menopause and beyond” with Catherine O’Keeffe on 4th September from 2pm to 3pm.
The Menopause Café was set up to build awareness and share up to date information and discuss menopause.
Find out more about the Menopause Café and this event.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace 17th September

September 2024
Email the CSEAS to register for the CSEAS webinar “Neurodiversity in the Workplace” with Stephen Kelly from Ability Focus on 17th of September at 11am. This Webinar begins by looking at disability, before moving on to focus on the diversity within neurodiversity and highlighting four well known areas of neurodiversity.

Resilience and Stress Management 18th September

September 2024
Registration will soon be available for “Resilience and Stress Management” with psychologist and musician Louize Carroll on 18th of September, time tbc. Louize has a person-centered and solution focused approach to therapy support.

Revenue – PAYE Information Session 26th September

September 2024
Registration will be soon available for our Revenue PAYE Information Session on 26th of September, time tbc. With the introduction of PAYE Modernisation in 2019 significant changes to Revenue’s MyAccount customers have taken place.
Find out more about the topics covered in this information session.

Relationships and Menopause 15th October

October 2024
Registration will be soon available for this event in our Menopause Café series “Relationships and Menopause” with Catherine O’Keeffe on 15th of October, time tbc.
The Menopause Café was set up to build awareness and share up to date information and discuss menopause.
Find out more about the Menopause Café and this event.

General Health and Menopause 18th October

October 2024
Registration will be soon available for this event in our Menopause Café series “General Health and Menopause” with Dr Caoimhe Hartly on 18th of October, time tbc.

MC 2 Savings & Investments 19th November

November 2024
Registration will be soon available for next event in the series of Financial Wellbeing webinars ‘MC 2 Savings & Investments 19th November‘ on 19th November at 11am.

Employee Financial Wellness is a company contracted to deliver information webinars on general financial wellbeing as part of the CSEAS wellbeing offering only. Should you enter into individual one to one services with EFW you do so solely on the basis of the advice provided by EFW. The CSEAS is not party to this advice or contract.

Men’s Mental Health and Loneliness November

November 2024
More information will be available soon.

Christmas Self Care with Philip O’Callaghan 5th December

December 2024
More information will be available soon.

Recent CSEAS Updates:

Pride Month

June 2024
We are delighted to showcase to you a series of webinars from OneLearning which will be held over the month of June to celebrate Pride Month. A month that celebrates and enhances an understanding of our natural diversity.

See the LGBTQ+ terminology explained flyer which has been created to increase our understanding and promote awareness through the use of the correct language.

Proud to Work for Ireland Network Pride Guide 2024
To celebrate Pride, the Proud to Work for Ireland Network (PWIN) has prepared a brochure of events running across the month of June. PWIN represents LGBTQ+ groups across the public service and welcomes anyone to attend these events. Some events have limited spaces, so it is advisable to contact organisers ahead of time to ensure yourself a spot

Employee Financial Wellbeing Webinar 12th June

June 2024
The CSEAS are continuing the series of Financial Wellbeing webinars with the next session
Securing your Financial Future‘ taking place on 12th of June at 11am. Register now for this event.

Employee Financial Wellness is a company contracted to deliver information webinars on general financial wellbeing as part of the CSEAS wellbeing offering only. Should you enter into individual one to one services with EFW you do so solely on the basis of the advice provided by EFW. The CSEAS is not party to this advice or contract.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace 15th May

May 2024
Register now for the CSEAS webinar “Neurodiversity in the Workplace” with Stephen Kelly from Ability Focus on 15th of May at 11am. This Webinar begins by looking at disability, before moving on to focus on the diversity within neurodiversity and highlighting four well known areas of neurodiversity.

Menopause Café event 7th May

May 2024
Register now for our next event in the Menopause Café series “Period Power” with Catherine O’Keeffe on 7th of May at 11am.

Workplace Wellbeing Day 26th April 2024

April 2024
As part of National Workplace Wellbeing day, Philip O’Callaghan and Derek Hollingsworth from the CSEAS will deliver a 60-minute webinar Are We Well Beings?.

Menopause in the Workplace 24th April

April 2024
CSEAS are hosting Menopause in the Workplace with Catherine O’Keeffe on Wednesday 24th April at 11:00am in the Revenue Offices on the 4th Floor of Sarsfield House, Limerick. V94 R972. Register Your Attendance
email: cseas@per.gov.ie before 5:00pm April 22nd.

Domestic Abuse Awareness Webinar

April 2024
Register now for the Domestic Abuse Awareness webinar. This 1 hour session on 10th of April at 10am by Hannah Wayte from Women’s Aid focuses on building awareness around domestic abuse.

Employee Financial Wellbeing

March 2024
The CSEAS are introducing a series of Financial Wellbeing webinars in 2024, the first session
How to be Financially Well‘ will be held on the 14th of March at 10am.

CSEAS Activity Report 2023

March 2024
View the recently published CSEAS Activity Report 2023.

Menopause Café event 16th February

February 2024
The Menopause Café was set up to build awareness and share up to date information and discuss menopause. Find out more about our first online event of 2024 which takes place on 16th February.

Introduction to the CSEAS Video

February 2024
See the Introduction to the CSEAS Video to see how the CSEAS can support you if you are experiencing a work or personal issue.

Adapting to Life Transitions

January 2024
A life transition is any change or adjustment that impacts your life in a significant way. See the CSEAS leaflet on how to manage a transition, níos mó

More CSEAS Newsfeed…

CSEAS tips for Managing Stress at Christmas

December 2023
Many people find Christmas stressful for lots of reasons. See the CSEAS tips for Managing Stress at Christmas, níos mó.

World Menopause Awareness Day 2023

October 2023
World Menopause Awareness Day 2023 is on the 18th of October. The CSEAS and OneLearning are hosting a series of webinars. See our Menopause support page.

CSEAS Menopause Support Poster

World Mental Health Day

October 2023
World Mental Health Day 2023 is a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. It is taking place on October 10th 2023 níos mó. See the CSEAS World Mental Health Day 2023 webpage

World Suicide Prevention Day

September 2023
The theme for World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September 2023 is: Creating Hope Through Action more / níos mó.

CSEAS Back to School

August 2023
Here are some tips to help the back to school transition and the juggling act of being a working parent…

Pride Month – CSEAS and OneLearning

June 2023
Celebrating Pride Month provides for a fantastic opportunity to educate and to learn, to promote awareness and equality and to increase people’s understanding of the issues experienced by those in the LGBTQ+ community.

CSEAS Activity Report 2022

May 2023
View the recently published CSEAS Activity Report 2022.

National Workplace Wellbeing Day 2023

April 2023
Workplace Wellbeing Day on Friday April 28th is a national workplace celebration of health and wellbeing to raise awareness and to promote initiatives that enhance physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace. more.

CSEAS Anxiety Management Tips

April 2023
While anxiety is a normal human response to a worrying or stressful situation it can become problematic when it doesn’t dissipate and becomes difficult to manage. See the CSEAS Anxiety Management Tips / as gaeilge.

CSEAS most Frequently Asked Questions

January 2023
Deciding to seek some help is a really positive first step. See the CSEAS FAQs / as gaeilge about what the service provides and how to access it.

Christmas Message from the CSEAS

December 2022
With as much joy and excitement as the Christmas season brings, it’s also a period that can be tiring and stressful, see the CSEAS Christmas Message.

Domestic Abuse: A Safe Christmas for all

December 2022
The Christmas and New Year period can bring about an increase in the incidence of domestic abuse. See the CSEAS domestic abuse information leaflet / as gaeilge.

Menopause Awareness Day 2022

October 2022
Menopause Awareness Day 2022 is taking place on the 18th October 2022. See the CSEAS information sheet and our CSEAS Menopause Support page.

World Mental Health Day

October 2022
World Mental Health Day 2022 is a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. It is taking place on October 10th 2022.

CSEAS The New School Year

August 2022
See the CSEAS New School Year information sheet for useful tips that can make the transition back to school easier.

CSEAS Move to Improve

July 2022
See the CSEAS Move to Improve flyer for how you can incorporate movement into everyday life to benefit both physical and mental wellbeing.

CSEAS Support for Addictive Behaviours

June 2022
n the last two years have you noticed any significant and lasting shift in how, where, when and why you eat, shop, gamble, consume media, alcohol or drugs? See our CSEAS Addictive Behaviours support page.

CSEAS 10 Year Anniversary

June 2022
The Civil Service Employee Assistance Service Central is celebrating it’s 10 Year Anniversary this year find out more.

Pride Month 2022

June 2022
CSEAS knows that support and acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity can impact a person’s health and wellbeing and would like to remind civil servants that we are here to support your wellbeing.

CSEAS Activity Report 2021

April 2022
View the recently published CSEAS Activity Report 2021.

Workplace Wellbeing Day 29th April

April 2022
CSEAS are running a Workplace Wellbeing Day Webinar on 29th April at 11am & 2pm. Click here to watch this on OneLearning.

CSEAS Financial Matters Support Page

April 2022
Visit the CSEAS Financial Matters Support page including an information video from the Public Service Friendly Society (PSFS).

CSEAS: Front Line Supports

March 2022
See the CSEAS front line supports page with resources to support frontline staff in a pressurised environment.

CSEAS: How to create Positive Habits

January 2022
See the CSEAS’s How to create Positive Habits flyer which lists ideas on how to begin your journey in enhancing and creating positive habits.

CSEAS: 12 Days of Christmas Self Care

December 2021
The Christmas season brings joy and excitement but can be a stressful and anxious time too, see the CSEAS 12 Days of Christmas Self Care.

CSEAS Phone Number Change Notice

December 2021
The Civil Service Employee Assistance Service Central Number is changing to: 0818 00 8120. See more on this

CSEAS: International Men’s Day

19th November 2021
International Men’s Day celebrates the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities. See our CSEAS: International Men’s Day Flyer

CSEAS: The Menopause

October 2021
Most women will go through the menopause at some point in their working lives. See our CSEAS: Menopause Support Page. View the Let’s Talk Menopause at Work | A Civil Service ‘Women’s Health’ webinar

People Managers' Guide

CSEAS: People Managers’ Guide

October 2021
The People Managers’ Guide is a useful resource for you in your role as a manager. It will equip People Managers with the skills needed to be effective in the modern workplace as it continues to change and evolve… more

World Mental Health Day 2021

10th October 2021
World Mental Health Day 2021 is a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. It is taking place on October 10th 2021… more

CSEAS: Return to the Office

September 2021
As public health restrictions ease, more of us are returning to familiar but changed workplaces. See our CSEAS: Return to the Office information sheet

OneLearning in partnership with CSEAS ran a 30 minute session focussing on managing and maintaining resilience levels as we adapt again to a new way of working and return to the workplace. This short seminar was recorded and is available to watch CSEAS Returning with Resilience Webinar or on OneLearning

CSEAS: Replenish

September 2021
Simple strategies can help us maintain or improve our health and wellbeing.
See our CSEAS: Replenish flyer

CSEAS Article: Take a Break before you Break!

August 2021
The benefits of taking leave and time away from work are well established. See our CSEAS Article: Take a Break before you Break!

Fathers Mental Health Day 2021

21st June 2021
Fathers Mental Health Day takes place on June 21st 2021, for more information and support see our Fathers Mental Health Day 2021 leaflet.

Carers Week 2021

7th-13th June 2021
Carers Week is an annual event highlighting the invaluable work undertaken by carers in Ireland. Many civil servants are also carers, for more information and support visit CSEAS Carers Week page

Relationships in the Pandemic

April 2021
All types of relationships have been effected by the Covid-19 pandemic, visit the CSEAS Relationships in the Pandemic page for more on this.

CSEAS Vicarious Trauma

April 2021
For information on Vicarious Trauma, download the CSEAS Vicarious Trauma Leaflet.

CSEAS Anxiety

March 2021
Visit the CSEAS Anxiety Support page which contains information on how to manage anxiety.

CSEAS Activity Report 2020

March 2021
View the CSEAS Activity Report 2020 Launch video and download the CSEAS Activity Report 2020 here.

CSEAS: Health and Wellbeing Physical Exercise

January 2021
Visit the CSEAS Health and Wellbeing Physical Exercise page promoting physical health.

Christmas Message from the CSEAS

December 2020
The CSEAS would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Christmas and warm wishes for the New Year.