World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health day, on October 10th, is a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our own mental health and to support others in accessing the supports they may need in maintaining good mental health. It encourages us to create an open and safe culture to talk about mental health and advocate for others so mental health care is a reality for all.

Mental Health includes a person’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing and has become increasingly important over the past 18 months. So we encourage you to take some time over the coming days to do a self check in and take care of your mental health.

We can also all ask ourselves “what can I do to help reduce the stigma around mental health?”
Some suggestions you could reflect on:

• Be aware of your own mental health

• Educate yourself about mental health issues

• Be aware of your attitude and comments about mental health

• Create an inclusive atmosphere between work colleagues in work or online

• Reach out and show an interest in your colleagues – you never know how someone is feeling

• Be open and have an interest in work colleagues connecting with you

We all have a role.

Know that the CSEAS is available if you need support in living with a mental health issue.

The CSEAS have a list of resources to assist you:

World Mental Health Day 2023

CSEAS Anxiety Management Tips / as gaeilge

CSEAS How to create Positive Habits

CSEAS Poster: Mental Health – The Dos and Don’ts

CSEAS Information Guide on Mental Health and Well being in the Workplace

CSEAS Leaflet: Good Mental Health in the Workplace

CSEAS Mental Health page