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Interpersonal Difficulties can lead to conflict within the workplace. If you are experiencing interpersonal difficulties then why not contact the CSEAS? An Employee Assistance Officer can provide information and emotional support.

Please see some other available resources below.

CSEAS Resources

CSEAS Effective Communication leaflet

Feature article on Effective Communication

Anger Management

Conflict Resolution Skills for Managers

Information Guide on Mental Health

Good Mental Health in the Workplace

Understanding Stress booklet

Civil Service Resources

The Civil Service Employee Assistance Service (CSEAS)

HR Units

Dignity at Work: An Anti-Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy for the Civil Service

Civil Service Human Resources Information on Mediation 

State Resources

Citizen’s Information – Information on Equality in Work

External Resources

Trade Unions

Mental Health Ireland – promoting positive mental health and well-being

Samaritans – If there’s something troubling you, you can get in touch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week –