
Many factors can influence and impact our health and wellbeing. Examples of these factors include bereavement, a new role and any other major life change. Being mindful, paying attention to nutrition and physical fitness, and ensuring we get enough sleep, can influence how we interact with our family, work colleagues, and others in our wider circle and the world around us generally.
We should look after our mental and physical health. This means investing sufficient time and effort on an on-going basis.
Why not contact the CSEAS for support or information?

CSEAS Resources:

More CSEAS Resources

CSEAS Wellness at Work Leaflet

CSEAS webcast on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Information Guide on Mental Health

Good Mental Health in the Workplace

Building Personal Resilience

Understanding Stress Booklet

Anger Management

CSEAS webpage on Managing Stress

CSEAS webpage on Suicide

CSEAS webpage on Mental Health

Civil Service Resources

The Civil Service Employee Assistance Service (CSEAS)

The Office of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) – Civil Service Occupational Health Department CMO website

Disability Liaison Officers

Sportslink sports and social facilities for Civil and Public Servants Sportslink website

State Resources

Healthy Ireland – A framework for improved health and wellbeing www.healthyireland.ie

Health Service Executive – Health and Wellbeing www.hse.ie/healthandwellbeing

Health Service Executive Health & Wellbeing Events – 2019 calendar

External Resources

Think Ahead is to help members of the public talk about and record their preferences in the event of emergency, serious illness or death. Think Ahead
Mental Health Ireland – promoting positive mental health and wellbeing www.mentalhealthireland.ie

World Health Organisation – physical activity www.who.int